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Misa's story

Interviewing at Deloitte Digital


I was a cancer biologist - doing research for Cancer Research UK. I've always been interested in computers. In biology, the outcomes are always so vague and open to different interpretation. I was yearning for a craft that was clear cut, and a career allowed me to be creative. In software, the code either works or it doesn't - that sort of certainty, the immediacy of running code - that was a big pull for me.

Code sample

            class Account
              attr_reader :balance, :history
              def initialize(transaction_class: Transaction)
                @transaction_class = transaction_class
                @balance = 0
                @history = []
              def withdraw(amount)
                store_transaction_history(-amount, @balance)
              def deposit(amount)
                store_transaction_history(amount, @balance)
              def update_balance(amount)
                @balance += amount
              def store_transaction_history(amount, balance)
                @transaction = @transaction_class.new(amount, balance)
                @history << @transaction

I am proud of this code because I use dependency injection to reduce coupling between the Transaction and Account classes. The naming and responsibility of the class is clear.

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