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James's story

Interviewing at Financial Times


Before I joined Makers, I was working as a financial analyst at Amazon. I got to see developers get to do very cool stuff and I wanted to be part of it. After graduation, I took 6 weeks off to go and code on my own and learn Clojure and went to lots of meetups and got to know the developer community.

Code sample

            class Journey
              MINIMUM_FARE = 1
              MAXIMUM_FARE = 6
              def initialize
                @entry_station = nil
                @exit_station = nil
              def start(station)
                @entry_station = station
              def finish(station)
                @exit_station = station
              def fare
                complete? ? MINIMUM_FARE : MAXIMUM_FARE
              def complete?
                @entry_station && @exit_station || @entry_station.nil? && @exit_station.nil? ? true : false

I chose to showcase this code because it demonstrates encapsulation (the internal variables are never revealed) and clear method naming. There are no surprises in this code - it will be easy for a subsequent developer to understand exactly what is going on, at a glance.

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