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Viola's story

Junior Software Engineer at Trayport on £41,000


Before Makers, I was working in advertising and telly with Charlie Brooker! I wanted to do something more objective and I felt I had not been challenged since graduating from Oxford. Makers made me realise that what I like to do is learn stuff so I just keep on learning. I don't see anything as scary anymore and I see it as an opportunity to learn.

Code sample

            class Client
              attr_reader :account
              def initialize(account=Account)
                @account = account.new
              def deposit(amount)
                process_transaction(amount, :credit)
              def withdraw(amount)
                process_transaction(amount, :debit)
              def show_statement(order=:descending)
              def process_transaction(amount, type)
                account.balance = account.new_action(amount, type)

This code works nicely because it uses dependency injection and delegation to ensure that the Client class has a clear responsibility to understand an account, without becoming overly coupled to the Account class.

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