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Ruth's story

Software Developer at Mergermarket on £36,000


I was a full time Mum for 7 years and before that I had my own franchise business. I've always loved tech and I was curious about code. A friend of mine said I should consider doing it as a career. I came across Makers through a bootcamp review website. I feel much more confident. I'm more confident as a developer and I love test driving code in a collaborative environment.

Code sample

            class LineItem
              attr_reader :dish, :quantity
              private :dish, :quantity
              def initialize(dish, quantity)
                @dish     = dish
                @quantity = quantity
              def item_total
                dish.price * quantity

I chose this code to demonstrate encapsulation. The LineItem object never reveals its internal state, and the private attr_reader ensures the internal state is further encapsulated within the object itself.

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